Explore the colourful, magical and wonderful floats that make up the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant.

Austin 7
Debut Year: NA
Size: 4.0m x 2.0m
Fun Fact: This Blue Austin 7 was built in 1909 and parade's along the route still in it's original condition.

A Violin for Christmas
Debut Year: 2021
Size: NA
Fun Fact: The new ‘A Violin for Christmas’ float was designed by mini float competition winner Adeline Graetz and was inspired by her grandmother. “When my great grandmother passed, I inherited her 150-year-old violin and at Christmas time I loved playing carols on it".

Billy Bulldozer
Debut Year: 2014
Size: 6.6m x 3.4m
Fun Fact: Billy Bulldozer was designed by Stardust Castle workshop supervisor John Barone, in his 38th year with the Pageant.

Debut Year: 2002
Size: 4.2m x 3.4m
Fun Fact: What’s big, pink, and fluffy and has fangs and horns? Bruto! He’s nothing to be afraid of though as one of the Pageant’s most popular floats. Two lucky children get a big monster cuddle every year as he makes his way along the Pageant route.

Christmas BBQ
Debut Year: 2023
Size: 2.2m x 1.5m
Fun Fact: This float was designed by Alyssa Rudge, Breanna Giacopini & Ella Chappel from Paralowie R-12 School as part of the 2023 Mini Float competition. The theme was “What Christmas Means to Me”. The girls named the prawn on this mini set “Bazza”.

Christmas Carousel
Debut Year: 2021
Size: 8m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: A new float for 2021, the Christmas Carousel features reindeers and sleighs in the place of horses.

Christmas in the Snow
Debut Year: 2020
Size: 8.5m x 4.1m
Fun Fact: A snowy Christmas Eve, some Australian animals have taken a trip to the northern hemisphere on the Christmas in the Snow float.

Christmas in Toytown
Debut Year: 2009
Size: 8.5m x 3.4m
Fun Fact: Christmas in Toytown was designed by John Barone and Barny Cundell from the Pageant workshop.

Christmas Jazz in the Park
Debut Year: 2010
Size: 8.5m x 4m
Fun Fact: This float is a replica of the Elder Park rotunda which sits on the Torrens Riverbank just opposite the famous Adelaide Oval and near to the Festival Theatre.

Christmas by the Pool
Debut Year: 2022
Size: 8.7m x 3.5m
Fun Fact: This float showcases a classic Aussie backyard with decking, clothesline, a pool and even features real grass thanks to Paul Munns and a live water tap and hose thanks to SA Water which is used by float characters to drizzle pageant-goers.

Christmas Chalk
Debut Year: 2022
Size: 2.2m x 1.5m
Fun Fact: This float was designed by Charlotte Exelby from Adelaide Botanic High School as part of the 2022 National Pharmacies Mini Float Competition. Charlotte was inspired by the history of chalk drawing at the Pageant and thought it was a fitting design as 2022 was the first year back on the streets after two years at Adelaide Oval.

Christmas on Parade
Debut Year: 1999
Size: 8.4m x 2.5m
Fun Fact: This is a genuine London bus that was shipped to Adelaide in the 1970s specifically for the Pageant. The images on the sides of the bus were painted by Gary Lee Gaston – you can see some Pageant characters painted on there.

Christmas Party Time
Debut Year: 2017
Size: 8.9m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: The crocodile, polar bear, monkey, penguin, elephant and lion are all on a rotating turntable, on this Christmas Party Time float.

Christmas Puppy
Debut Year: 2015
Size: 7.0m x 3.0
Fun Fact: The Christmas Puppy is called ‘Crackers’. Can you see his name on his collar?

Christmas Rapping
Debut Year: 2006
Size: 9.2m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: Christmas Rapping is a huge Christmas ‘rage cage’ full of skaters, break dancers and rappers from DaKlinic.

Christmas Shoppe
Debut Year: 2018
Size: 7.0m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: Christmas Shoppe debuted the year the pageant theme was ‘Shining a light on kindness’.

Christmas Stocking
Debut Year: 2023
Size: 6m x 4m
Fun Fact: This float is nostalgic for many who visited the Magic Cave in their youth and received a free stocking that looked like this... just not quite as big!

Christmas Tree
Debut Year: 2004 (refreshed in 2023)
Size: 6m x 4m
Fun Fact: This large Christmas Tree float stands at over 4 metres tall. It represents a South Australia tradition which is to put up the family Christmas tree on Pageant weekend.

Debut Year: 2019
Size: 9.0m x 3.9m
Fun Fact: Cinderella and her fairy godmother ride this magical carriage float, surrounded by the prince, evil stepmother and the ugly step sisters.

Debut Year: 2012
Size: 8.5m x 3.5m
Fun Fact: Talented kids from Cirkidz perform safe circus tricks on this float.

Counting Down to Christmas
Debut Year: 2017
Size: 8.0m x 3.8m
Fun Fact: The large clock at the back of the Counting Down to Christmas float is counting down the seconds until Christmas Day.

Father Christmas
Debut Year: 2007
Size: 15.9m x 4.2m
Fun Fact: Father Christmas has been making an appearance at the South Australian Christmas Pageant since 1933. The first Father Christmas float was a replica of a snow-covered house with a chimney, in which Father Christmas appeared from.

Father Christmas Rules
Debut Year: 2016
Size: 8.0m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: The Tooth Fairy, Mr Sandman and the Easter Bunny didn’t want to miss out on the joy of Christmas, appearing on this float in 2016. If you look closely, you can see the tooth fairies crown is made up of teeth!

Fergus the North Pole Fire Engine
Debut Year: 2011
Size: 7.7m x 3.5m
Fun Fact: Fergus puts out fires in the North Pole with snow! Did you know that lots of emergency service people work behind the scenes to help the pageant, including the Fire Brigade, police and ambulance, St John and State Emergency services.

Galaxy 2000
Debut Year: 2000
Size: 9.5m x 3.1m
Fun Fact: There is an operator in the nose of the Starship Galaxy 2000 and everyone’s favourite Star Wars characters follow the popular float.

Get Well Soon
Debut Year: 2015
Size: 1.7m x 1.6m
Fun Fact: 2015’s Mini Float competition winner, Maddy Nyp (Neep), designed this float at age 12. It recognises those not well enough to attend the Pageant. Maddy used her prize money to purchase teddy bears and donated them to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

Gingerbread House
Debut Year: 2018
Size: 7.5m x 3.5m
Fun Fact: Float designed by long term Pageant artist, David Blight, for the last year of Credit Union sponsorship, making way for the new naming rights sponsor National Pharmacies.

Humpty Dumpty
Debut Year: 2024
Size: 6.6m x 3.7m
Fun Fact: Humpty Dumpty featured in the Pageant for many years before it retired in 2001. In 2024, artist Dave Clarke recreated the float with a new design. Humpy Dumpty’s rich history in the Pageant adds a touch of nostalgia to the float lineup.

Izzy the Dinosaur
Debut Year: 2021
Size: 6m x 3.2m
Fun Fact: Izzy the Dinosaur was designed and created by local artist and first-time float maker David Clarke, who won the 2021 SALA festival float design competition. The design took more than 20 weeks to design, sculpt, build, mechanic and paint.

Happy Elf
Debut Year: 2022
Size: 5.5m x 3.7m
Fun Fact: This jolly elf represents the delight felt at being back on the streets for the 90th year of the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant and the tradition of breaking out the Christmas decorations for another year.

Jolly and Jingles
Debut Year: 2015
Size: 4.5m x 2.6m
Fun Fact: Jolly the Elf and Jingles the Reindeer are the Christmas Pageant’s treasured mascots.

Kingsley Vintage Cars
Debut Year: 2005
Size: 6m x 3m
Fun Fact: The four Kingsley vintage cars were built by Kingsley Savage. For many years he gave of his time and manufacturing skills to allow thousands of South Australian children to drive these cars in Tusmore Park. He became known as the ‘Pied Piper of Tusmore’. After he passed in 2004, the Kingsley vintage cars were donated to the Pageant by Kingsley’s family.

Kumangka malturri – apinthi
Debut Year: 2024
Size: 8.0m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: Kumangka malturri – apinthi - pronounced “koo-mung-car mal-doo-ree a-pin-dee,” - translates to “Coming Together” in Kaurna language and honours the Kaurna culture. The float design is inspired by Kaurna Country landscapes, flora and fauna and the coming together of people around campfires to celebrate community. There are three fireplaces representing the past, the present and the future.

Let the Pageant Begin!
Debut Year: 2023
Size: 6.4m x 4m
Fun Fact: This is the lead float in the Pageant. It builds anticipation for the parade of bands, groups and floats that will follow.

Little Red Riding Hood
Debut Year: 2013
Size: 7.6m x 3.7m
Fun Fact: The year of Little Red Riding Hood’s debut, pop star Samantha Jade became the first national celebrity to sing the Australian anthem at the start of the Pageant.

London Bus
Debut Year: 1994
Size: 8.4m x 2.5m
Fun Fact: The London Bus is an authentic London Bus. It started in the Pageant in 1973.

Look What Toad Got For Christmas
Debut Year: 2014
Size: 7.6m x 3.7m
Fun Fact: This float was inspired by the classic tale Wind in the Willows.

Nasty Neville
Debut Year: 1997
Size: 7.5m x 3.2m
Fun Fact: Over twenty years ago Nasty Neville was first captained and sailed by characters from Pulteney Grammar school who provide support back of house to the Pageant each year.

Debut Year: 1997
Size: 7.0m x 3.3m
Fun Fact: The Nativity Float plays “O Holy Night”, which is Pageant director Brian Gilbertson’s favourite Christmas Song.

Debut Year: 1983
Size: 2.4m x 2.4m
Fun Fact: Since 1983 Nellie has completed every Pageant. Nellie has 9000 moving parts and a 1940’s Ford Prefect motor. Nellie is a state icon and out of the four mechanical elephants built in the world, she is the only one still working.

Nipper and Nimble
Debut Year: 2020
Size: 8.5m x 4.0m
Fun Fact: Nipper and Nimble came together on this float in 2020, however, they have been in every pageant separately since it's inception. The Haywards started the Pageant in 1933 and Nipper was the name of the Hayward family rocking horse.

Pageant Bakery
Debut Year: NA
Size: 4.0m x 1.8m
Fun Fact: The Pageant Bakery float is surrounded by some very large chefs, who look as though they have eaten all the Christmas Pudding’s. In 2019, Seaview High School students participated in their first Christmas pageant, on the bakery float.

Pageant Express
Debut Year: 2018
Size: 7.0m x 3.5m
Fun Fact: The wheels on the Pageant Express are mechanised to move like a real train and two young children help drive the engine each year.

Penguins 'R' Kool
Debut Year: 2011
Size: 9.1m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: The year Penguins ‘R’ Kool debuted, the Christmas Pageant achieved the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people wearing red noses.

Possum Magic
Debut Year: 2010
Size: 4.4m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: The Possum Magic float is based on one of Australia’s favourite books by Mem Fox, illustrated by Julie Viva’s.

PS. Murray Explorer
Debut Year: 2024
Size: 9.5m x 4m
Fun Fact: PS Murray Explorer is a tribute to the iconic riverboats from the Murray River region. The grand float features a live band playing festive tunes as it sails through the streets of Adelaide. It is the second-largest float in the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant, after the Father Christmas float.

Rudolph's Christmas Lolly Trolley
Debut Year: 2013
Size: 12.0m x 2.4m
Fun Fact: Rudolph's Christmas Lolly Trolley is made up on three large trolleys. Can you spot the miniature trolley at the back containing one very lazy elf?

Shaping our Wonderful World
Debut Year: 2019
Size: 8.5m x 3.7m
Fun Fact: Designed by Kari Lindsay, the large Mandela on the Shaping our Wonderful World float is based on the principal that the universe is made up of many parts and symbolises diversity.

Snowman (Let it Snow)
Debut Year: 2017
Size: 2.2m x 1.5m
Fun Fact: This float was designed by Sophia Ivanica as part of the Mini Float competition. Sophia was in year 2 at the Para Vista Primary School when she created this float.

Snow Dome
Debut Year: 2014
Size: 6.5m x 3.3m
Fun Fact: Inside of this very large snow dome is a very happy snow-family having a wonderful winter time!

Stardust Castle
Debut Year: 1998
Size: 6.3m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: See over 600 stars on Stardust Castle! Designed by Gary Lee Gaston, a highly respected fine portrait and landscape artist, he has made over 250 floats for the Pageant.

Summer Holiday
Debut Year: 2021
Size: 8m x 3.2m
Fun Fact: Summer Holiday was designed by John Barone to reflect Christmas time in South Australia and the Christmas caravanners who are the essence of summer.

The Christmas Star
Debut Year: 2015
Size: 5.6m x 3.1m
Fun Fact: The Christmas Star float was a symbol of the 2015 Christmas Pageant theme ‘Everybody’s a Star’, celebrating the fact that everyone has something special to offer and is a star themselves.

The List Keeper
Debut Year: 2015
Size: 4.1m x 3.8m
Fun Fact: Watch out! The List Keeper has been overseeing the naughty and nice list for Father Christmas since 2015, in which he was one of 64 floats that year.

The Nutcracker Christmas Ballet
Debut Year: 2016
Size: 8.4m x 3.8m
Fun Fact: Dancers from the Australian Classical Youth Ballet lead the Nutcracker Christmas Ballet float each year.

Debut Year: 1997
Size: 4.0m x 2.7m
Fun Fact: Pogo is an iconic face of the Pageant. He was designed by artist David Blight and he is the tallest clown in the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant.

The Royal Christmas Ball
Debut Year: 2017
Size: 9.0m x 3.5m
Fun Fact: The Royal Christmas Ball carries the Pageant Royal Family. The Pageant Queen was first introduced following World War 2 in 1949.

The Soft Toys
Debut Year: 2017
Size: 7.3m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: The Soft Toys float was designed by David Blight, who has designed many floats of the pageant years. He is a member of the South Australian Music Hall of Fame and plays mouth organ for Cold Chisel.

Sounds of Christmas
Debut Year: 2022
Size: 7.5m x 3.5m
Fun Fact: The Sounds of Christmas float features a charming Christmas village with the choir singing in its Town Square. The float is designed to have different performers or groups on board each year.

Toby Toy Truck
Debut Year: 1998
Size: 5.0m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: Toby’s tip tray is full of toys and two lucky kids get to be in the drivers seat of Toby's Toy Truck each year.

Wang Wang & Funi
Debut Year: 2009
Size: 6.7m x 2.5m
Fun Fact: The Wang Wang & Funi float is dedicated to Adelaide’s beloved city zoo panda's, who are the only living panda’s in the southern hemisphere.

Winter Wonderland
Debut Year: 2012
Size: 8.1m x 3.8m
Fun Fact: The Winter Wonderland float was introduced in 2012 to celebrate 80 years since the first Christmas Pageant. It was designed by Kari Lindsay to capture a snowy northern hemisphere Christmas Day.

Ye Old Pageant Tram
Debut Year: 1997
Size: 6.6m x 2.4m
Fun Fact: The Ye Old Pageant Tram is based on how South Australia’s old trams used to look when they ran from the city to Glenelg beach.

Yellow Brick Road
Debut Year: 2020
Size: 8.0m x 3.6m
Fun Fact: Yellow Brick Road pays homage to the magical land of OZ with Dorothy, Toto, Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow all surrounded by munchkins.