2019 National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant inspiring everyone to celebrate A World Full of Wonder

Tomorrow’s National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant is expected to see more than 300,000 smiling faces watching and eagerly awaiting the arrival of Father Christmas, after the golden whistle is blown to signify the start of the Pageant for the 87th time.
Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, David Ridgway, said that the much-loved parade signaled the start of the Christmas season in South Australia, as well as celebrating the first year of new sponsor National Pharmacies.
“It is a day that is all about happiness and entertainment to children and adults of all ages. The National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant brings so much joy to South Australians. It is one of the biggest free community events in South Australia and it really does bring us all together to celebrate the season with friends and family,” said Minister Ridgway.
“This year’s theme of ‘A World Full of Wonder’ perfectly reflects how amazing the Pageant is – magical characters, amazing costumes and a wonderful atmosphere, and I’m looking forward to seeing everything come to life tomorrow.”
Brian Gilbertson, Creative Director, said four new floats were created for this year’s event, including the National Pharmacies lead float which will set off behind the Police Greys, Mermaid Christmas, Cinderella and Shaping our Wonderful World, which was the final float revealed earlier this week.
“It has been such an exciting time at Stardust Castle, with all the elves on deck to create these glorious new floats. Each majestic float will be sure to delight families as they travel the city route,” said Mr Gilbertson.
In addition to the new Pageant floats, this year the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant will also welcome the Royal Australian Air Force Roulettes* aerobatic display team who will conduct a fly-past over the City of Adelaide between 9:02am and 9:15am, before the Pageant officially commences.
“What a thrilling start to the Pageant and one of the best days of the year. As these incredibly skillful pilots fly over the city, they will certainly be travelling faster than our tow motors which only travel 4kms per hour!” he said.
The Pageant will be travelling a new route this year through the beautiful streets of Adelaide, with Father Christmas arriving at the Adelaide Town Hall for the very first time.
“It really will be such a pivotal and spectacular moment as Father Christmas greets the children and families along the leafy boulevard of King William Street for the first time,” he said.
Vito Borrello, Chief Executive Officer, National Pharmacies said, “We’re thrilled that the big day is almost here. Tomorrow morning hundreds of National Pharmacies staff and members will take part in the Christmas Pageant in what is sure to be a memorable day.”
“We are incredibly honored and proud to play such a significant role in one of South Australia’s most loved events and traditions. We can’t wait to see the streets lined with the smiling faces of South Australian families,” he said.
Camp Quality is this year’s Charity Partner once again, a worthy organisation giving kids facing cancer the chance to be kids again.
Mr Gilbertson said, “We encourage Pageant-goers to keep an eye out for our special friends from Camp Quality along the route who will be collecting for this extremely worthy cause. Feel free to offer a gold coin donation or use their ‘tap and go’ technology.”
The 2019 National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant will be held on Saturday 9th November and departs from South Terrace at 9:30am, delivering Father Christmas to the Adelaide Town Hall at approximately 11:20am.