The 2020 National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant Royal Family has been announced!

The 2020 National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant Royal Family was announced today at a coronation celebrating National Pharmacies Queen Mandy Belfrage and King Robert Farrier.
The presentation was made at South Australian fashion designer shopfront Couture+Love+Madness with Cristina Tridente being announced as the designer for the new Pageant Queen and Princess gowns for 2020.
Successful candidates must display exemplary community spirit and values as well as a passion for the Pageant says Brian Gilbertson, Pageant Director, National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant.
“The 2020 Pageant Royal Family excel in every aspect of the selection criteria and each member is a worthy recipient of their title,” said Mr Gilbertson.
“It is a time-honoured tradition which plays an important role in the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant, not only welcoming Father Christmas on Pageant Day but also sharing the joy and spirit of the event with communities in the lead up to the event.”
Announcing the Pageant Queen and King and the Royal Family for 2020 is a particularly proud moment for the staff at National Pharmacies says Vito Borrello, Chief Executive Officer, National Pharmacies.
“In a year of many firsts for the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant, this will be an exceptional experience for our Royal Family, who will carry out their duties to share and lift our community spirit and make sure, Christmas never felt so Christmas,” said Mr Borrello.
Queen Mandy Belfrage works as the Work, Health & Safety Officer for National Pharmacies and like many South Australians, Mandy has dreamt of being part of the iconic event.
“The Pageant has always had a very special place in my heart,” said Ms Belfrage.
“Growing up we were not always able to make it to Pageant day, but mum made sure we were still able to experience the magic by building lifelong traditions such as putting up our Christmas tree, which I now share with my seven year old son, Parker.”
King Robert Farrier is the Ethical Buying Manager at National Pharmacies, and shares Mandy’s excitement about the opportunity.
“For me, this is my Pageant experience coming full circle,” said Mr Farrier.
“I remember going to the Pageant as a young kid with my mum, dad and two sisters. The Pageant is the central event that brings the South Australian community together to share in the magic of Christmas – what could be a better honour than to be part of the excitement and welcome in the Christmas period with the rest of the state as South Australian Royalty?”
Queen Mandy and King Robert will be joined by Pageant Royal Family members Princess Megan, Princess Sophie and Prince Kevin and Prince Mason.
The newly curated dresses for the Queen and Princesses by Tridente’s label, Couture+Love+Madness, will breathe a signature style that is sophisticated yet whimsical and grandiose says Couture+Love+Madness Designer, Cristina Tridente.
“It is an honour and privilege to be asked to design the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant’s Queen and Princess outfits, and I look forward to presenting beautiful designs befitting of the time-honoured role,” said Ms Tridente.
After announcing the Pageant will be held at the Adelaide Oval in a twilight spectacular for the first time in 2020 last week, the collaboration with Christina on the Royal Family designs is the perfect fit for the Pageants’ leading roles says Mr Gilbertson.
“Cristina’s vision for our new Pageant Queen and Princess outfits has exceeded our expectations and we are very much looking forward to unveiling the enchanting new designs later this year”, said Mr Gilbertson.