Cinderella, and Mermaids debut at this year’s National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant launch
The National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant unveiled three new floats at the 2019 Christmas Pageant Launch which was held at Stardust Castle on Wednesday 9th October.
Making their debut was the Cinderella float, Mermaid float and the lead National Pharmacies float.
Adelaide MP and Minister for Child Protection Rachel Sanderson said she was thrilled by the wonder and excitement from the big and little guests, as the three floats were presented for the very first time at this year’s Christmas Pageant event launch.
“The National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant is the traditional start to the festive season in South Australia, and one that will see more than 320,000 young and old, happy faces lining the new pageant route,” said Minister Sanderson.
“This year we welcome National Pharmacies to the Christmas Pageant family as naming rights sponsor, and over 600 of their National Pharmacies staff and members who will be taking part in the Pageant for the very first time.
“The families that were at today’s launch, were mesmerized by the magical Cinderella float, delighted with the mermaid float, and very proud to welcome the new lead National Pharmacies float. Today also signals the start of one of the most anticipated countdowns on the social calendar for South Australians as we start to count our sleeps to this year’s National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant.”
Brian Gilbertson, Pageant Director, National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant said, “this year’s theme, A World Full of Wonder, is to inspire everyone to share the power of wonder – wonder how? wonder why? wonder what’s possible? We want to encourage children to wonder about the world, and adults to take a moment to reflect and remember what it's like to dream.”
“The Pageant team is very proud to present our new floats, and I am sure they will be well received and loved by the thousands of Pageant fans. We really cannot wait to see all the excited children with their big smiles on the day,” said Brian Gilbertson.
National Pharmacies Chief Executive Officer Vito Borrello said, “National Pharmacies is incredibly honored and proud to play such a significant role in one of South Australia’s most traditional and beloved events. It is a wonderful celebration for children and families, and we are thrilled to be able to be part of bringing Christmas joy to South Australians.
“National Pharmacies believes in community and giving back to our members and South Australian families. Being a part of the Christmas Pageant, is something that all our members and staff are very much looking forward to.”
The 2019 National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant will be held on Saturday 9 November, departing from South Terrace at 9.30 am once Sir Edward Hayward’s legendary gold whistle is blown.